Thursday, October 29, 2009

Signs You Are Going Insane...

Something the other day told me I was going absolutely batshit insane. It all started when I decided to take Organic Chemistry (otherwise known as the bitch class from Hell). My mother walked into my bedroom the other day and had a caniption because she found me in a fit of insanity, scrawling the periodic table of elements in pink sharpie on my bedroom wall. There is really no rhyme or reason, but I just wanted it there, I wanted it detailed, and I wanted it HUGE. If you want more proof, I don't even like Chemistry.
I pretend I like Chemistry because I want to make myself like it. I want to be a nerd because I think I'm more interesting that way. I'm not dedicated enough to be a nerd. I couldn't even remember the equations for linear velocity or Newton's Laws. Silly me.
Regardless, I am continuing the detailed periodic table. Beside it will be every equation and every constant I can think of. I am already painting anatomical body parts on my walls. By the time I leave this place, my walls will be a textbook.