Thursday, January 28, 2010


Dear Jack Nietschze Jr.,
How in the fuck did you find work after "Chained Heat"?
Everyone who has seen "Chained Heat"

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Why "Night Gallery" Is My New Favorite Show

It's so awesome they don't even play it on regular television anymore. I first realized Rod Serling had another show when my parents ordered the Starz movie pack when we still had a Charter cable box. I had loved the Twilight Zone since I had discovered it in my childhood.
So, get this, it's similar only it's an hour long and IN FUCKING COLOR HOLY SHIT. It's totally okay that Serling was more aged in this series.
I'm on Season 2 right now and have seen such stars as:
David "Autoerotic Asphyxiation" Carradine,

Agnes "Annoying Bitch Aunt From Bewitched" Moorehead,


Tom "Mr. Cunningham" Bosley,

and that grandfather from The Munsters (who cares?).

Each episode has more than one story; usually two, four at most. It's all we loved of The Twilight Zone in, I think I should even go so far as to say, an upgrade!

What brought this on was hearing a Serling quip, "For those of you who've never met me, you might call me the 'undernourished Alfred Hitchcock'". I liked this because, WHERE THE FUCK DID THIS COME FROM? IN THE CONTEXT OF THE SHOW IT DIDN'T BELONG BUT HE STILL LOOKED SO BALLER SAYING IT.

I started smoking because of Rod Serling and I quit and so did he when he started doing the Night Gallery. We are pretty much the same guy.
When I was watching it with my boyfriend I hadn't seen him for the first half of the episode and I got scared and was like "WHAT'S GOING ON WHERE'S ROD?" and then finally he made an appearance and I said, "Oh good" and my boyfriend said "thank God I thought he was dead" and we looked at each other and laughed hysterically and that is the best story you have ever read.

All episodes are on Hulu go go go.